Thursday, June 17, 2021

dry ice experiment

 Today in Science we used dry ice to look at sublimation.

Subliming - Solid Gas  

Today we used 

A Beaker or Conical flask, Dry ice, dish wash liquid, balloons, and water 

When we placed the dry ice into the conical flask and the dry ice smoked up in the top part of the conical flask then we placed the balloon on to the flask and the balloon blew up. After a little while we tipped it out and added more dry ice and water into the flask but this time we added dish soap and the dry ice got all soapy and sprayed up in soap studs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Types of Government

 In Social Study's for the past four weeks we have been working on the different types of government and Heros and villains of our world. We each got to pick one hero or villain we wanted to research and write a little blurb and timeline about them

This is my Research on the different types of government.

Here is my Research on my hero that I pick

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Candle Experiment

                                                            Candle Experiment 

In science today we placed a candle in petri dish with water in it and lit the candle on fire we then placed a cup over top of the candle to lock out the oxygen. 

Aim - To see what happens to the water level when the candle is covered.

Hypothesis - I think the candles flame with go out because the oxygen has been locked out.

Results - The candle went out and the cup sucked up to the petri dish, so if you lifted the cup the petri dish would be stuck to the bottom.

Conclusion - The water rose because it was heating up. The flame was using all the oxygen and eventually it was all gone and the cup stuck to the petri dish. 


 Today in health we played games. The games I played were Connect 4 and Uno.

I won 2 rounds of uno and I won 4 rounds on connect 4.

When I won I felt excited and pumped up to keep trying to beat Khaylanie.

Today I worked with Khaylanie, Bailey, and Nishitha.

i think we worked very well together because we didnt put each other down when the other person lost and we kept a good sport and a nice competitive style.

Out of the CARR values I demonstrated  Respect, Resilience, and achievement.


Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Pulse health and pe

 Pulse rate and Exercise 

Resting Pulse Rate - 44 per minute 

Active Pulse Rate -  96 per minute