Monday, July 26, 2021

Term 2 reflection

 1. What was a Term 2 highlight for you and why? wanaga class with my friends and all our laughs and fun times. Also Mr Carters class was pretty fun with out teams working on our individual government teams.

2.What was a challenge and how did you show resilience. STEAM because it wasn't really fun in my opinion and i got through it by working with my friends and making it fun.

3.which option subjects did you do in term 2 and what did you learn home EC - I learnt how to cook the right way and how to use certain equipment, Music - I learnt how to share and produce music in front of people, Textiles - I learnt how to use and set up a sewing machine. 

4. what goals would you like to set doer yourself in term 3. choose a curriculum based goal and a co-curricular goal. erm probably to focus more because that is something i struggle in  

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