Monday, December 6, 2021

B & E reflection blog

 1. In my business group there was Mischa, Te-Wai, Mattisin, Michaela, and Me. My business group was going to make lip scrub but the small containers were to expensive for only four so we switched to body scrub.

2. The process of making the body scrub was very hard we had alot of trial and errors with the brown sugar scrubs and then we switched to white sugar and created our own recipes.

3.The highlights of making it was working together with Michaela on the poster and then working with Matty and Mischa on cleaning the jars and making the scrub but I also enjoyed designing our business logo.

4. The challenges of this was working with my team and trying not to get frustrated with them when people would just walk off and not come back for like 20 minutes.

5. Market day was okay we sold a lot and made $31. I didn't really enjoy the idea of walking around and talking to people but I still did it and brought some things to quick start some businesses.


Monday, November 29, 2021

 Gender equality 

Sexisum, boy, girl, no gender 

What causes gender equality?

1. Only 6 countries in the world give women the same legal work rights as men  

In many countries there is a lack of legal protections against harassment in the workplace, at school, and in public places. Those places are becoming unsafe and without protection, women have to make frequent decisions that compromise their goals. Meaning that some women will quit their job because of men or other women harassing them sexually. Or some will choose to stay quiet and continue to be harassed.

2. Men also benefit from gender equality as they also face gender-specific issues such as lower life expectancy,bad health,lower education levels and rigid gender norms. It's essential that both women and men are aware of the benefits that gender equality brings to them as individuals and as a member of the communities and societies. 

3. Gender equality is slowly leaving our generation. Thanks to Kate Sheppard women now have the right to vote and have their ideas heard, and thanks to Charlotte Cooper for being the first woman to win a gold medal at the olympics showing us that women can be as strong as men and can work just as hard to get what they want. And thanks to many other women who have stood up for all the upcoming females and helped show us that we can stop the gender equality problem.

Monday, November 22, 2021


 In a modern day world there lived a young beautiful but eshay girl named Cinderella who when she was younger got adopted by two men who she now calls her fathers.  Cinderella lived in a very new age household where the traditional values were not upheld.  She lived a life of drugs & alcohol and her fathers had no rules although they were incredibly kind but kind of hippy.  Unfortunately Cindy had an evil sister named Ursula who was incredibly jealous of Cindy's beauty and intelligence 

Cinderella knew she needed rules and boundaries in her life as she wanted to become a princess and rule her country.  Cindy heard the local police department was holding a ball to celebrate all their success and their achievements of the year.  There was a dashing young man who has just joined the police force and he was a undercover prince seeking to find a mistress. Cinderella found him extremely fascinating and intriguing.      Ursula found out that Cindy was having a secret affair with the prince. 

This enraged Ursula and after a night of drugs and alcohol Ursula could not contain her rage any longer and decided to get revenge on her sister. Ursula was also an incredibly intelligent women altho her heart was black as ebony. Ursula got very drunk and ruined all her sisters dresses hoping that she wouldn't show up to the ball. Cindy found all her clothes destroyed and in disbelief she rushed around trying to find one of her sisters. Once Cindy had found a gown she put it on and got ready. All of a sudden everyone at the ball had their eyes pinned on the entrance as a beautiful young girl walked in and out of anger Ursula raged and called her drug friends to come plant a bomb. Ursula snuck her friends in and they planted the bomb but as they were trying to run out before the bomb went off all the doors got locked as one of Ursula's drug friends called the police department to report the bomb. Ursula scrambled around trying to find a way out and just as she found an exit the bomb went off and everyone inside or withen 20 meters of the Police department got killed in the bombing. The End 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Fairy tales

Miss Birtch

Fables - Are story's that are passed down, with a good lesson to be learned. Eg- The town mouse and the country mouse.

Legend - Are designed to teach a lesson about a real person in history, with a few details changed.

 Eg - Robin hood

Mythos/Myths - Are story's that are passed down about how or why something came to be.

 Eg - Daedalus and Icarus

Fairy tales - are story's that are specifically designed for kids and always has a good or evil character. 

Eg - Snow white & The Evil Queen.

edited 7 times Rapunzel
j never marrired
we are doing Rapunzel

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Human Rights/gender equality.

1.To have clean water and food

2.To have religious beliefs

3.To life

4.To not be tortured

5.To live freely

6.To have a fair trial

7.To have an education 

8.To have free speech

9.To get married 

Human rights is something everyone should be allowed. It is what makes us human. It is the right t pursue things you want to do. Its the rights to be yourself


Gender equality 

Sexisum, boy, girl, no gender 

What causes gender equality?

1. Only 6 countries in the world give women the same legal work rights as men  

In many countries there is a lack of legal protections against harassment in the workplace, at school, and in public places. Those places are becoming unsafe and without protection, women have to make frequent decisions that compromise their goals. Meaning that some women will quit their job because of men or other women harassing them sexually. Or some will choose to stay quiet and continue to be harassed.

2. Men also benefit from gender equality as they also face gender-specific issues such as lower life expectancy,bad health,lower education levels and rigid gender norms. It's essential that both women and men are aware of the benefits that gender equality brings to them as individuals and as a member of the communities and societies. 

3. Gender equality is slowly leaving our generation. Thanks to Kate Sheppard women now have the right to vote and have their ideas heard, and thanks to Charlotte Cooper for being the first woman to win a gold medal at the olympics showing us that women can be as strong as men and can work just as hard to get what they want. And thanks to many other women who have stood up for all the upcoming females and helped show us that we can stop the gender equality problem.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Term 3 Reflection

 1. What has been a term 3 highlight for you?

I dont know. coming out of lockdown and actually being able to see peoples.

2.How did you find lock down?

Lock down was super boring and I would of rathered being at school so I had something to do instead of being bored.

3.What has been your favourite subject this term? why? 

Defiantly Social Study's because I love learning about past activity's and occurrences that have happened over the past billions of years.

5.What did you create in Arts Kete? did you enjoy it? 

In arts Kete we have been making lollies bowls for Halloween 

6.What are you looking forward to in the holidays?

Going on runs. training for For football try outs and hot girl summer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Home Ec Semester 2

                                 CARROT  CAKE CUPCAKES                 Makes 12

1c Flour

¾ c SugarC:\Users\hn\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\ABE7D798.tmp

1 t Cinnamon

1t Baking Soda

½ t Baking Powder

¼ t Salt

1 ½ c grated Carrots (heaped)

2/3 c Oil

2 Eggs, beaten


  1. Preheat oven to 180⁰C

  2. Sift flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add sugar

  3. In a separate large bowl, combine grated carrots and oil

  4. Slowly add the flour mixture to the carrot / oil mixture, folding gently until just combined. Add beaten eggs and gently stir through

  5. Line muffin tins with paper cases. Spoon mixture evenly into the 12 paper cases

  6. Bake 13 minutes ( time may vary according to the oven) until golden brown and tops of cupcakes are springy

  7. Allow cupcakes to cool before icing 


113g Cream Cheese

4T Butter

2+ c Icing Sugar

1t Vanilla

Blend cream cheese, butter and vanilla until smooth with an electric beater. Slowly beat in the icing sugar until smooth

This recipe was okay minus the cream cheese as I don't like it.

Fruit Crumble                             Serves  4   

½ c Flour                                                           

½ t Cinnamon                                              

½ c Brown Sugar (not packed)

65 g cold Butter (cut into small cubes)                                                                           

½ c Rolled Oats (Wholegrain oats)

1 – 2 medium sized Apples (cooking apples eg Granny Smith work well)

1 D White Sugar                                

1 T Water


     * Preheat oven to Fan Bake 180°C).

  1. Put flour, cinnamon and brown sugar into a medium bowl.

  2. Rub butter lightly into the flour mixture.

  3. Add rolled oats and mix with a fork.

  4. Peel and quarter the apples. Cut core out and slice each quarter  into thin slices.

  5. Place into a greased pie dish.

  6. Sprinkle with white sugar and water.

  7. Spoon this mixture evenly over the apples to cover them.

  8. Bake on Fan bake for 10 -15 min or until the edge is going brown.

Remember to prepare the crumble topping first before preparing the apples. 

Work quickly to lightly rub in butter so the mixture stays as cool as possible.

Place prepared apples in cold lightly salted water to stop it going brown. Drain well before putting the apple into the pie dish.

You can use other fruit: pears, fresh or frozen berries, peaches, cooked rhubarb etc.

Cooking times can sometimes vary from 15 -20+ minutes.

Allow the cooked Apple Crumble to sit for about 5-10 minutes before serving.

Serve with custard, yoghurt or ice cream. 

The uncooked crumble topping freezes well in a bag for later use.

Remember you can use stewed, tinned or frozen fruits.

The fruit crumble was pretty good and the ice cream also made this taste just that little bit better.

Self Saucing Chocolate Dessert in a Mug

3 T Flour

3 T Sugar

1½ T Cocoa Powder

½ t  Baking Powder

3 T Milk

2½ T Butter melted

¼ t Vanilla


1½ T Brown Sugar

1 t Cocoa Powder         

3 T Hot Water  


  1. In a small bowl add flour, sugar cocoa powder and baking powder. Stir together

  2. Add to this the milk, butter and vanilla. Mix until fully combined

  3. Pour half into each of 2 ramekins or microwave proof mugs. (leave room to rise!)

  4. Sprinkle topping evenly over surface 

  5. Carefully pour over the hot water. Make sure it is evenly spread

  6. Cook in the microwave for 1½ min. Remove carefully once cooked

  7. Serve with ice cream, custard or a dessert sauce

  8. This recipe is okay if it is made correctly and the ice cream topped it off pearfectly.

Rice paper rolls

Quick and easy rice paper rolls. Use any combination of your favourite ingredients.

SERVES 4 TIME TO MAKE 30 - 45 mins





2 Rice paper sheet per person







  1. Dip the rice paper sheets in cold water and lay out on a clean bench top and let them soften for a minute

  2. Place your selection of fillings in the middle of the softened sheet

  3. Fold two sides of the sheet towards the middle

  4. Roll into a cylinder shape

  5. Serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve.


Things to remember when making these spring rolls

  • You don’t need to soak the rice paper sheets, just wet them, they will soften after a minute

  • Use predominantly vegetables and herbs as fillings

  • Try to use a combination of ingredients that balance flavour, texture and nutrients

  • You can use any combination of ingredients for filling so just use what you like and have available

These tasted like crunchy water and I would never eat again.



1T Oil

¼ Capsicum (diced)

½ Red Onion (finely chopped)

½ c Corn

½ can Chopped Tomatoes

½ can Red Chilli Beans

Nacho seasoning 

Corn Chips

½ c Grated Cheese

Avocado (optional)

Sour cream to serve (optional)


Step 1

Gather equipment and ingredients in correct amounts!

Step 2

Prepare the vegetables:  capsicum and onion

Step 3

In a large non-stick pan: 

Saute onion with 1T of Oil for 2 mins. Add capsicum 

Step 4

Then add to the pan:

Corn, ½ can of tomatoes, ½ can of chilli or baked beans

Stir, and cook for 3-4 minutes until tomato is just softened 

Step 5

Arrange a large handful of corn chips on a plate and heat in microwave

Spoon the bean mixture on top of corn chips, top with cheese, avocado and sour cream

In my opinion these nachos were a little bit bland and watery as of the beans.

Crispy Chicken Tacos

                                                  Serves 4


500g Chicken breast sliced 

2 T oil

1 packet Crispy Chicken Spice mix

8 mini Tortillas (2 per person)

Lettuce -shredded

Carrot - grated

Cheese -grated

Red Onion - sliced

Avocado - sliced

Sour Cream



  1. Preheat oven to 180 ℃

  2. Slice chicken into strips 4 cm wide. These may be cut into 6 cm lengths.

  3. Place chicken into a bowl.

  4. Drizzle with oil and mix to cover all chicken surfaces.

  5. Add Crispy Chicken Spice mix and stir to coat chicken evenly.

  6. Place coated chicken on an oven tray lined with baking paper.

  7. Bake for 10 - 12 min until crispy and golden.

  8. Warm tortillas in microwave for 30 sec.

  9. Build your taco with chicken, lettuce, carrot, cheese, avocado, red onion, and top with sour cream and salsa.

I really liked this taco the flavors combined really well and brought the recipe together.

Open Steak Sandwich                       Serves 4

  • Beef Schnitzel-  trimmed, about 1cm thickness (can be shredded & marinated before cooking)

  • Oil (for cooking meat)

  • 4 Bread rolls or 1 ciabatta loaf, cut into 4 pieces

  • Mayonnaise

  • Sauces - own choice eg Tomato, BBQ, Sweet Chilli

  • Lettuce, Spinach or Mesclun salad leaves

  • Tomatoes, sliced

  • Red Onion rings

  • Cheese slices

  • Avocado 


  • 1. Quickly pan fry the meat over a medium high heat until just cooked, turning once during cooking. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. Serve as a piece or shredded


  • 2. Cut rolls or ciabatta loaf pieces in half. These can be warmed or toasted if desired.

  •   Spread the tops and the bottoms of the bread with mayonnaise and /or sauces chosen


  • 3. Top half the bread with lettuce etc, tomato slices, steak and any other ingredients


  • 4. Cover with the remaining bread pieces 


  • 5. Serve



I didn't really like this recipe as the tomatoes were mushy and lettuce was extremely soggy.

Chicken Stir Fry


1 Chicken Breast

1 Carrot - julienne strip

1 Onion - diced

3-4 pieces of Broccoli - small florets

1 Zucchini - sliced

Other Vegetables - capsicum, mushrooms, peas, corn, celery, chilli etc 

2T Sesame oil

1 pkt 2 min Noodles


  1. Cut chicken into strips

  2. Place chicken in a glass bowl with sesame oil. Mix together

  3. Prepare vegetables 

  4. Sauté chicken and onions together. Sauté means to cook quickly to brown. 

  5. Add broccoli and carrots and stir fry (cook) for five minutes.

  6. Add the remaining vegetables and cook for a further 5 min

  7. Bring a pot of water to the boil

  8. Add the broken noodles into the boiling water and cook for 2 minutes

  9. Drain noodles in a colander and add to the vegetable and chicken mixture. Mix together lightly 

  10.  Serve

This recipe I felt was okay it just needed a little more sauce and flavouring.


  • 1 Pita Bread per person 

  • Lettuce - shredded or torn

  • Cheese - grated

  • Tomato - sliced or diced

  • Carrot - grated 

  • Cucumber - sliced

  • Red Onion - rings or finely chopped

  • Other vegetables: Celery, Capsicum, tinned Beetroot etc

  • Sauces – Choice of Tomato, BBQ, Mayo, Hummus, Sweet Chilli

  • Ham or Cooked Chicken Breast 


  1. Prepare the vegetables and meat as required

  2. Place pita bread in microwave for 20 seconds (optional)

  3. Cut open the pita bread along the crease to make an opening

  4. Fill pita pockets with required fillings and sauces

  5. Serve