Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Term 3 Reflection

 1. What has been a term 3 highlight for you?

I dont know. coming out of lockdown and actually being able to see peoples.

2.How did you find lock down?

Lock down was super boring and I would of rathered being at school so I had something to do instead of being bored.

3.What has been your favourite subject this term? why? 

Defiantly Social Study's because I love learning about past activity's and occurrences that have happened over the past billions of years.

5.What did you create in Arts Kete? did you enjoy it? 

In arts Kete we have been making lollies bowls for Halloween 

6.What are you looking forward to in the holidays?

Going on runs. training for For football try outs and hot girl summer.

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