Thursday, July 29, 2021

Book Review

 1. What is the name of the book we have read as a class and who wrote it - Holes by Gary Paulson 

2. What was the book about - Holes is a 1998 young adult novel written by Louis Sachar and first published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. The book centers on an unlucky teenage boy named Stanley Yelnats, who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center in a desert in Texas, after being falsely accused of theft.

3. Who was your favourite and why - ZigZag because he acted tough in the beginning and near the end he got softer and showed a side to him not many had seen before.

4. Did you enjoy the book and why - it was alright, it could of been a bit better but altogether it was pretty good.

5. In the book it says that the warden walked out in shorts but in the movie she walked out in pants, and in the book it said stanley was fat and got bullied for it but in the movie he was skinny

6. did you enjoy the movie and why - yes although it was a little long and i got impatient 

7. would you recommend the book and who to - yes i would and to all ages because I think many people will like it and its set up for young people to like but also older people.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Term 2 reflection

 1. What was a Term 2 highlight for you and why? wanaga class with my friends and all our laughs and fun times. Also Mr Carters class was pretty fun with out teams working on our individual government teams.

2.What was a challenge and how did you show resilience. STEAM because it wasn't really fun in my opinion and i got through it by working with my friends and making it fun.

3.which option subjects did you do in term 2 and what did you learn home EC - I learnt how to cook the right way and how to use certain equipment, Music - I learnt how to share and produce music in front of people, Textiles - I learnt how to use and set up a sewing machine. 

4. what goals would you like to set doer yourself in term 3. choose a curriculum based goal and a co-curricular goal. erm probably to focus more because that is something i struggle in