Thursday, May 20, 2021

Dilution and Filteration Blog

 Last week in science we mixed Copper Nitrate (blue) with Sodium Hydroxide (clear) to make a bright blue precipitate.

1. Which test tube had the most concentrated sample of Copper nitrate - Test tube 1/completely 

2. When we added water what were we doing to the concentration of the solution - Diluting it


    3. Which concentration of Copper Nitrate formed the most precipitate,

 why do you think this is the case - First one because there were more chemicals in that one then there were in the second and third. Which made it stronger.

FILTERING is when you can SEPARATE the solute (solid) from the solvent (liquid).

Separate means to split apart

Once the solvent has been filtered that is called the FILTRATE.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Kayla, I like how you have come up with great explanations for the words we were using in class.
